Choose An IT Service:

Mercury Telecom is your complete source for information technology services. Whether you want full-service outsourcing or have an occasional need, we have the expertise and know-how to do the job right. We work with clients of all sizes and types who have widely-varied needs.

Sample client relationships include:

  • One-Time Jobs: Call us when you need us - to run cable, hook up a printer, install a VoIP system, or configure a computer.
  • Information Systems Support: We provide contract support to your Information Systems person or department. Response times are guaranteed, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Certain server functions, such as mail and database, are manage-outsourced to us.
  • Full-Service Outsourcing: We are results driven. Tell us the outcome you want, and we'll propose the best solution we know of to get you there. A comprehensive list of services we provide can be found on the following pages. If you need something that isn't listed, call us anyway. If we don't do it, we likely can recommend someone who does. We provide reliable, secure, and cost-effective ways to get IT done.